Dry Eye Treatment Calgary

Solutions for Dry Eyes

Looking for effective solutions for dry eyes? There are now clinically proven treatments for dry eye disease to give you relief from your symptoms. Dry Eye is an inflammatory disease, and eye drops often only provide temporary relief. Evidence-based treatments such as IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), RF (Radio-frequency), BlephEx™ and iLUX®, help treat the root causes of dry eye disease. Our doctors have special interest in the treatment of Dry Eyes and we have invested in the latest  technologies to give you long term relief of your dry eye symptoms.

Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease

Dry Eye Disease is a chronic inflammatory condition and is best managed when diagnosed and treated early. Symptoms can include:

  • Burning, grittiness, foreign body sensation
  • Redness, itching, desire to constantly rub the eyes
  • Excessive watering and tears overflowing onto cheeks
  • Feeling of wanting to close the eyes for relief
  • Inability to tolerate contact lenses

Causes of Dry Eye Disease

Our tear film and blinking mechanics work in harmony to lubricate, protect, and maintain the health of your eyes. This complex tear film consists of a matrix of mucus, water, electrolytes and a thin protective oily layer to prevent evaporation. Dysfunction of any of these components is usually due to inflammation. If the inflammation is chronic, tissue damage can occur, leading to long term scarring and poor blinking mechanics. Did you know:

  • The average blink rate drops from 12-15 times per minute, to 3-4 times per minute when using a computer. This leads to increased tear evaporation
  • Tear production is affected by many medications, including antidepressants, over-the-counter allergy pills, and even birth control pills.
  • Alcohol and caffeine make dry eyes worse, as does inadequate water intake and poor diet
  • Most dry eye symptoms are due to underlying eyelid disease (Meibomian Gland Dysfunction) which needs to be treated first
  • Our dry climate encourages the growth of eyelid mites (Demodex folliculorum) that harbour bacteria that promote inflammation

Testing for Dry Eye Disease

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for dry eyes. Dry Eye Disease is multifactorial and effective treatment requires a panel of diagnostic tests to determine the root cause of your dry eyes. Our assessments utilize the latest technology to perform the following:

  • Meibography – infrared imaging of the eyelids to assess the structure of the oil glands

  • Tear osmolarity – sampling and analyzing the tears for salt concentration

  • SM Tube – measuring the tear production volume

  • Interferometry – measuring the stability of the tear film and how quickly they break up

  • Biomicroscopy – looking for signs of chronic inflammation, rosacea, structural changes, mites, and plugged glands.

This information allows us to accurately tailor your treatment with clinically proven methods to ensure long term relief of your dry eye symptoms.

Testing for Dry Eye Disease

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for dry eyes. Dry Eye Disease is multifactorial and effective treatment requires a panel of diagnostic tests to determine the root cause of your dry eyes. 

  • Meibography – infrared imaging of the eyelids to assess the structure of the oil glands
  • Tear osmolarity – sampling and analyzing the tears for salt concentration
  • SM Tube – measuring the tear production volume
  • Interferometry – measuring the stability of the tear film and how quickly they break up
  • Biomicroscopy – looking for signs of chronic inflammation, rosacea, structural changes, mites, and plugged glands.

This information allows us to accurately tailor your treatment with clinically proven methods to ensure long term relief of your dry eye symptoms.

Dry Eye Treatment

We will create a customized dry eye treatment plan for you to follow. This may include in-office treatments as outlined in the next section, and/or any of the following:

  • Medication including antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and/or prescription eye drops
  • Autologous serum or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) – these eye drops are made from your own blood which contains biological compounds that reduce inflammation and can promote healing
  • Unpreserved hyaluronate eye drops or gels specifically formulated for your type of dry eye
  • At-home eyelid hygiene regimen including warm compresses, lid massage, lid wipes and antibacterial sprays.
  • High quality triglyceride (re-esterified) omega-3 supplements
  • A change in contact lens material, and/or solution care system
  • Clinically proven In-office treatments that target the inflammation associated with dry eye disease

In-office Dry Eye Treatments

We offer clinically proven technologies and treatments for dry eye. Your customized treatment plan may include any of the following:

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Intense Pulsed Light is the gold standard dry eye treatment for those with facial and ocular rosacea. It uses high intensity light to shrink inflamed blood vessels in the eyelids and face. By directly treating inflammation at its source, it provides lasting relief from inflammatory dry eye symptoms. It also has the cosmetic benefits of improving both skin tone and uneven skin pigmentation!

Radio Frequency (RF)

The forma-i is the only Health Canada approved procedure clinically indicated for MGD related dry eye disease. The device uses radio-frequency energy to create heat under the skin to clear obstructed glands and stimulate collagen and elastin production. This improves the function and health of the oil-producing meibomian glands, ultimately restoring a healthy tear film with less tear evaporation. As a side benefit, it also reduces fine lines and eyelid wrinkles!


iLUX® is a dry eye procedure that clears the inflammatory material from plugged oil-producing glands in the upper and lower eyelids, stimulating proper oil production and restoring a healthy tear film with less tear evaporation. This procedure generally is repeated annually for long lasting results.


BlephEx™ is a procedure that employs a rapidly rotating exfoliating head to remove demodex mites, bacteria, and hardened tissue from the eyelid margin. This removal of “biofilm” reduces a major source of inflammation and opens the oil producing glands essential for good quality tears. It also promotes healing of the mucus membrane needed for a smooth and comfortable blink.

Punctal Plugs

Punctal Plugs are small devices placed painlessly into the drainage ducts in the eyelids. This reduces tear drainage, allowing the surface of the eyes to stay moist and well lubricated. This reduces the frequency of artificial tear drops needed to maintain good comfort. They are available in a dissolving form, or a semi-permanent silicone form designed to last many years.

Scleral Lenses

Scleral lenses are large diameter rigid gas permeable contact lenses that provide a moisture barrier on the cornea, protecting it from dehydration. Scleral lenses bathe the eye in moisture all day long and are used when other therapies fail or if contact lenses are desired for vision correction in the presence of dry eye disease.

Some treatments may be health spending account eligible. We also offer memberships and financing to keep your treatments affordable. We are committed to staying current on the latest research and evidence on products and treatments proven to treat the root causes of Dry Eye Disease